Gary D Lynne
Early experience was on a diversified North Dakota farm... engaged, worked on that farm first 18 years... becoming intrigued with how to work in an economy growing crops and livestock which was embedded within the natural ecosystem on this Spaceship Earth. Also, earliest memories point to the concern in the community for how the agricultural economy and the political system interacted, i.e. how the market and government were one with the other, how the political economy of agriculture needed to be integrated. Became especially intrigued with what motivated conserving and sustaining soil and water, the mainstays essential to provisioning the Travelers on the Spaceship. It took a few decades, but this ultimately resulted in developing Metaeconomics, a framework suggesting the Dual Interest at work in such choices, and the need to bring the Moral Dimension and Ecosystem reality back into economic thinking and analysis.

Agricultural sciences, emphasizing Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics, versed in both Neoclassical and Neoinstitutional economics. BS and MS degrees from North Dakota State University, PhD from Oregon State University. Self-educated in interdisciplinary science and philosophy, especially in Ecological Economics, Economic Psychology and Economic Sociology, and overall in Behavioral Economics.
Assistant to the Director, North Dakota Water Resources Research Institute
Assistant, Associate and Full Professor, Food and Resource Resource Economics, University of Florida
Department Head, Full Professor and Emeritus Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Visiting Sustainability Scientist, School of Sustainability, Arizona State University